Thursday, June 12, 2014

Not the Cheapest Handmades

I love crocheting and knitting. As a child my mom crocheted my sister and I both afghans within a few months, but she really loved sewing and we constantly had hand made dresses and vest Other than one particularilay itchy dress I really liked them. With my oldest I was given a crocheted baby outfit and baby blanket. Sadly I never used them as my oldest was very tiny and wore premie clothes for the first few weeks of his life, even thought he was full term. However, by the time we was big enough to wear the items, we no longer had them.

For the longest time we kept the handmade items my mom made, those blankets are still being used 20 years later and they are still warm!

I remember those clothes and the blanket. My kids enjoy me making them things, but many people don't understand the labor and love that goes into handmade items. Wether you give them away or your sell the items, one thing is for sure: its not cheap, its a labor of love and consumes large amounts of time.

What are some of the things you love to make and share? Are there any particular items that your family, friends or customers love?

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