Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Shy Blogger

I am going to put this out there: I'm an extremely shy person. Making friends isn't easy, even when I put myself out there. I'm introverted and speak as little as I possibly can when in groups. I let my expressions and writing talk for me. I'm still surprised almost 6 years later I'm married I have come out of my nice cozy shell and formed some relationships, made a few friends here and there, but in all honesty I keep to myself. Lets just say, it drives my husband mad.

For the last two weeks, I have been wanting to blog, write something about my current escape into crocheting,or how I really have wanted to make dog clothes for the last 20 yrs. cause who doesn't find a dog dressed up a cute sight? Come on, you know you do!

In reality, I doubted myself. I retreated back into my shell and stopped posting, even though I have a TON of drafts saved I never posted them. Some I even just deleted after writing them out, editing and reviewing.

Hopefully as I grow as a blogger this shyness will go away.

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm not shy I have a hard time blogging also I'm afraid no one will care what I write, But the blogging community as a whole is an accepting bunch jump in and welcome. And your right anything dog is super cute even cat.
