Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cold and Chilly

The last few days we have been sick, the changing temperature for warm to hot with three Littles isn't a fun experience. The middle Little is still sick, spending her time sleeping, and snuggled under blanket after blanket wanting nothing more than sandwiches, cranberry sauce and milk. I guess that's a good combo?  She does ask me every so often to make her something and enjoys, when awake, to look over Ravelry and Pinterest, pointing out the things she likes, things she finds 'coot', yummy or watching Dinosaur Train - by far a favorite of all three.

During these periods of wakefulness she also helps pick out colors for the 2014 Mood Blanket Crochet Along.

As she picks the colors from a bag of scrap yarn, I crochet them together using the Sunken Treasure Baby Blanket pattern by Kristin Omdahl, by the end of the year, maybe even sooner (maybe a birthday present for my little girl? ) it will be finished, no longer a baby blanket.

Along with this CAL I am also doing the weather blanket - this one has taken backseat to the mood blanket, those little medallions are so much fun to crochet!

While only six days finished, and not joined yet it this is a blanket for my oldest who ask all the time for something to snuggle up to, a blanket of his own as he watched me knit his little brothers blanket the last two months. He is a green lover, like his mama, but with such little green and more yellows and white than I can shake a stick at we will see where it takes us.

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